Discover how to increase the productivity on an In-person, Home Office or Hybrid journey, have a powerful monitoring software.

Having a high performance team has never been so simple . Get full visibility into your team using Radar de Produtividade.

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    Do like some clients, who transformed their management with
    the Radar de Produtividade.

    WHAT IS Radar de Produtividade?


    Radar de Produtividade is a People Analytics platform, focused on leadership and productivity, where any manager can manage their human capital, tracking activities, accesses, application usage, absenteeism and employee engagement. 

    We are a Startup that proposes to increase the productivity of human capital, transforming management through data, offering full visibility on the activities of employees, regardless of the work regime.

    If you are seeking for efficient ways to manage your human capital, tracking processes and activities, ways to assess the behavioral profile and want to possess a 100% data-based management, this platform was made for you.


    Difficulty managing your team at home office?

    We make it possible to efficiently manage geographically distributed teams, with full visibility of individual and collective activities, with workday management in compliance with law 14.442/22


    What is the value of having full visibility into your business?

    Be able to identify non-productivity easily and quickly, generating proactive actions that will result in improvements and increase the results of your administration.


    How do you or your company manage your performance indicators?

    Have full visibility over the main performance indicators of your team and your collaborator, allowing your management to be quick and efficient.


    What is the impact on your management of a wrong decision?

    Make the most assertive decision based on concrete data captured by the productivity radar and available on your computer or in the palm of your hand on your cell phone.


    Would you like to have visibility of your human capital?

    Effectively manage your employees in any environment, monitoring their activities, behavior and productivity. Be aware of the conduct and compliance with the company's culture.


    How important is it to keep up with your collaborator?

    Have an efficient way of monitoring the behavior of your human capital, mitigating bad faith conduct and inadequacies to the organizational culture.


    How do you assess and monitor compliance operations?

    Have ways of identifying deviations that could compromise your business, implementing audit routines, and using our platform to support compliance.


    Be prepared to endure labor lawsuit.

    Have a reliable history of your employee's journey, their schedules, accesses and productivity, mitigating litigation and the cost of labor lawsuits.


    Get the resources you need to transform your management.

    Time management

    Activity management

    Access and application management

    Individual productivity indicators

    Collective productivity indicators

    Absence management

    Website and app monitoring

    Workday Monitoring

    Cloud Environment

    Common questions

    Simple and fast. Schedule a demo and we’ll send you a business proposal. After approval, we send you the access link for your environment. After installing the agent on each machine, the platform will display the collected data.

    After hiring, we guide the execution of an agent on each machine of the company, after the agent is executed, the data is forwarded to our platform, an environment where managers will monitor their employees.

    As a rule, all contracts with Radar de Produtividade are for an indefinite period as it is a Software as a Service (SaaS), but there may be contracts with a fixed term of 12 to 60 months, with advance payment and discounts.

    Every company that has geographically distributed teams, adopting a home office, a hybrid work system and whose employees spend long hours in front of the computer is an excellent candidate to use the platform.

    We seek to support the platform with one of the largest legal firms in the country, protecting companies and their employees from any non-compliance with the LGPD.


    See some customers who transformed their management with Radar de Produtividade

    “... With the Radar de Produtividade, the transition between face to face work to remote work occurred in an efficient way, by providing a mechanism capable of measuring the commitment, dedication, efficiency, and effort, both the employees as well as the teams, identifying possible improvements over face to face and remote work. The future reveals us, that with this tool, we can evaluate which is the best work regime to each employee, either it is remote, face to face or hybrid.”
    André N. Moya
    CEO of Moya e Motta
    “... the Productivity Radar Platform provided the necessary visibility of the performance of the entire team, helping managers in decision-making; now, more than sensitivity, we have real data. We gained a better understanding of individual and team capacity, increasing performance and delivery quality.”
    Luis Utrera
    Co-founder, Partner and COO of Integradial Worldwide

    Do like many of our clients, transform your management with the Radar de Produtividade.

    Learn more about productivity, management and KPIs on our Blog

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