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Unleash the maximum potential of your teams with our platform

Achieve new levels of efficiency with your team using our advanced productivity monitoring solution

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Boost your team’s performance and drive efficiency

Our productivity monitoring technology redefines the standard for business excellence

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Innovate, optimize and achieve exceptional performance

Achieve new levels of efficiency with your team using our advanced productivity monitoring solution

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Do you have full visibility of your team?

Choose the best work regime: In-person, Home Office or Hybrid, preserving the privacy of your employees, without giving up excellence and better performance

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Empower your HR to manage your team’s productivity

Provide solid data to support decisions related to promotions, training and skills development, contributing to more strategic talent management

Measure, compare and integrate easily, quickly and dynamically. Make assertive decisions, free yourself from subjectivity and achieve quick and concrete results.

Have a modern data-based management tool, monitor your employees and define the best work regime, with total visibility, managing applications, access, activities, absences, among other KPIs that we can meet, together with your teams.

Gerencie seu capital humano

Rastreie todas as atividades

Analise o perfil comportamental

Gerencie o home office

Crie uma gestão focada em dados

Is your company in compliance with Law 14,442/22*?

Law 14,442/22 establishes the obligation to control the employee's shift at home office, for the modality work shift service.

*Especific Brazilian Law

View the Law

Home Office Support

Do you have difficulties managing  the Home Office?

Several companies are facing the challenge of managing a new work model, whether 100% home office, hybrid or face-to-face. Managers, businessman and entrepreneurs seek solutions to make the home office efficient, individually.

This is where Radar de Produtividade comes in, we make it possible to manage this model easily, fast and transformative, providing full visibility of your operation, in addition to helping effectively management your human capital.

Do like pf our clients, who have transformed the management of the most important capital any company has, human capital.

Team leader

A tool for you Team leader

You know how difficult it is to manage your team ‘s individual performance, something that takes time and a lot of effort. Be a facilitator and manage to achieve the best results, having full visibility of individual and collective performance, while promoting a data-based management.

Gestão de Equipes - Radar de Produtividade


A tool for management 

How to manage an entire department in a simple, efficient and data-driven way?
Have greater control over processes and activities, and make more assertive decisions for your company. Have full visibility of your sector, department or operation, managing individual and collective productivity.


How to measure the efficiency of an organization?

Transform and Innovate in your organization through the Radar de Produtividade, have full visibility of your operation, mapping activities, GAPs, behaviors, adherence to organizational culture, mitigating labor awsuits and proposing adjustments to the work regime.

Enable new forms of action and management, always focused on its human capital, aiming to improve work relationships and results at the same time.

BENEFITS OF Radar de Produtividade

Everything you need to transform your management , using only a modern Platform capable of being integrated through API’s. See below how we transform the management of your human capital.

How do you protect yourself from labor lawsuits?

How do you protect yourself from labor lawsuits?

Have the primacy over reality of your employees, mitigating labor lawsuits related to the behavior of your human capital.

How does your governance area monitor Compliance?

How does your governance area monitor Compliance?

Have efficient forms of control, capable of preventing and identifying the occurrence of irregularities, fraud or corruption.

Would you like your management to be based on data?

Would you like your management to be based on data?

We’ve built a platform that centralizes all your human capital data, enhancing its management through data and information or minimizing subjectivities.

Difficulties in implementing the Operational Audit process?

Difficulties in implementing the Operational Audit process?

We’ve turned the Operational Audit process into a continuous management model, where we promote constant management improvement.

Would you like to have visibility of your human capital?

Would you like to have visibility of your human capital?

We make it possible to manage individual and collective activities with total visibility, as well as monitor the level of engagement and productivity.

Difficulties in implementing the Operational Audit process?

Difficulties in implementing the Operational Audit process?

We turn the Operational Audit process into a continuous management model, where we promote constant management improvement.

Have you thought about optimizing cost and time?

Have you thought about optimizing cost and time?

We’ve made it possible to map repetitive activities, basic to automation (RPA). Gain efficiency and productivity.

What are the key indicators of your business?

What are the key indicators of your business?

Create efficient ways to define and monitor key performance indicators, contributing to decision making and corrective actions.

Difficulty deploying and managing your team at home office?

Difficulty deploying and managing your team at home office?

We make possible the efficient management of geographically distributed teams, without great deployment or management effort.



See some customers who transformed their management with Radar de Produtividade

“... With the Radar de Produtividade, the transition between face to face work to remote work occurred in an efficient way, by providing a mechanism capable of measuring the commitment, dedication, efficiency, and effort, both the employees as well as the teams, identifying possible improvements over face to face and remote work. The future reveals us, that with this tool, we can evaluate which is the best work regime to each employee, either it is remote, face to face or hybrid.”
André N. Moya
CEO of Moya e Motta
“... the Productivity Radar Platform provided the necessary visibility of the performance of the entire team, helping managers in decision-making; now, more than sensitivity, we have real data. We gained a better understanding of individual and team capacity, increasing performance and delivery quality.”
Luis Utrera
Co-founder, Partner and COO of Integradial Worldwide

Do like many of our clients, transform your management with the Radar de Produtividade.

How does it work?

Passo 1

Agente sua demonstração e ganhe um bride/desconto.

Agende sua demonstração e veja como transformar sua gestão.

Agende Agora

Passo 2

Escolha o plano

Escolha seu plano e cadastre sua empresa

Ver Planos

Passo 3

Acesse o portal

Acesse seu portal e instale o agente em cada máquina

Passo 4

Gerencie seu negócio

Acesse nossa plataforma e visualize a mágica acontecendo


Step 1

Schedule your demonstration

Schedule your demonstration and see how to transform your management.

Schedule now

Step 2

Choose the best plan and Begin your transformation jouney.

Enter the number of stations and start your journey.

Step 3

Install the agent on the computers that will be managed.

Our solution is simple and quick to install.

Step 4

Access our platform and start transforming your management.



Access our platform and visualize the magic happening.

Learn more about productivity, management and KPIs on our Blog

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