We need to talk about mental health in the professional environment

The importance of mental health is comparable to that of physical care, being essential for emotional balance and quality of life. In the business context, the impact of employees’ mental health is significant, directly influencing productivity, talent retention, organizational climate and innovation.

The work environment, often characterized by pressure and challenges, can compromise employees’ mental well-being. By openly addressing mental health, companies can create an understanding and supportive environment, reducing the stigma associated with the topic. The relationship between mental health and organizational success is evident, emotionally healthy employees contribute to improved productivity, greater talent retention, a positive organizational climate, innovation and customer satisfaction.

Taking care of mental health is crucial, as, according to the WHO, “health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not just the mere absence of disease”. In a world where demands and challenges are constant, employees’ mental health plays a vital role in organizational performance.
To promote mental health at work, it is essential to adopt measures to take care of mental health at work:

1. Offer benefits: Evaluate and adjust the benefits offered based on employee feedback.

2. Encourage physical activities: Integrate exercise and physical activity programs into the work environment, even remotely.

3. Integrate employees: Maintain team integration, whether through video conferences or in-person meetings in the hybrid model.

4. Pay attention to feedback: Identify and address specific problems that may affect productivity and emotional well-being.

5. Relieve overloads: Avoid work overloads by redistributing tasks or, when necessary, hiring temporary professionals.

6. Map indicators: Carry out regular assessments of the team’s mental health through organizational climate surveys.

7. Adopt incentive programs: Implement actions to prevent and maintain mental health, seeking external consultancy if necessary.

8. Pay attention to the signs: Know the symptoms of the main mental illnesses to identify problems and take preventive measures.

9. Analyze company culture: Reevaluate and adjust organizational culture to align with the importance of mental health.

10. Maintain open dialogue: Encourage open communication between employees and leaders to identify and address daily difficulties.

11. Sustain periodicity: Maintain consistency of actions over time to ensure lasting results.

12. Readjust work: Adjust roles and responsibilities to ensure that employees are valued and used appropriately.

13. Invest in technological solutions: Use technological tools to improve daily life and provide support to professionals.

14. Talk to the entire team: Encourage the exchange of information and feedback to create an open and understanding work environment.

With these practices, it is possible to build a work environment that not only recognizes the importance of mental health, but also implements concrete actions to promote the emotional well-being of employees.

What is Productivity Radar?

A management platform focused on efficiency and productivity. We transform management through data, tracking activities and processes, access, use and employee engagement, enabling more effective and assertive leadership.

Why do I need PR?

If you are looking for efficient ways to manage your human capital, to monitor processes, to evaluate the behavioral profile and want to have data-based management, this product was made for you and your business.

What are the focuses of management?

· Human Capital Management Platform
· Management of Teams or Workgroups
· Data-driven employee management
· Management of schedules and telephony

What do we make possible for your management?

Structure your Management 4.0: Have efficient management and integrate all business sectors into a single platform, visualize the processes and activities of your human capital.
Identify your GAP’s: Have visibility of the management and operation GAP’s, identifying repetitive processes, inefficiencies and malicious or bad faith behavior.
KPI’s Management: Create an efficient management of performance indicators, monitor in real time and improve the decision-making process.
Continuous improvement: Proactively analyze processes, people and activities in real time, create management focused on results and improve the corporate culture.

How to increase productivity?

Managing the activities of employees in a home office, hybrid or face-to-face. Accompanying individual and collective productivity. Mitigating employee idleness and providing cost reduction. Enhancing the prevention of fraud and bad faith. Conducting behavioral and predictive analysis of the employee.

Discover our product and request a demo

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