Fighting stagnation

Fear, in different forms, can become an obstacle to personal progress. The fear of change, learning, growth, risks and failures is vast and changes throughout life. Activities that were simple in childhood can generate apprehension in old age, while the fear of public speaking, for example, can evolve from frightening in youth to pleasurable in

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Essential soft skills for tech job seekers today

In the technology industry, the lack of candidates with solid interpersonal skills is evident. Every day, individuals seek new professional opportunities, facing challenges to persuade employers of their suitability for the role. Even with exemplary technical expertise, the ability to communicate effectively during interviews and the practical demonstration of interpersonal skills become crucial to advance

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Practical tips for optimizing time management in the home office

Effective time management represents a challenge in any work environment, but when it comes to remote work, the absence of the typical parameters of a conventional work environment can intensify this difficulty. Here are eight helpful suggestions for managing time while working from home to increase your focus, efficiency, and task orientation. 1. Organize your

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We need to talk about mental health in the professional environment

The importance of mental health is comparable to that of physical care, being essential for emotional balance and quality of life. In the business context, the impact of employees’ mental health is significant, directly influencing productivity, talent retention, organizational climate and innovation. The work environment, often characterized by pressure and challenges, can compromise employees’ mental

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8 strategies to encourage a learning culture in the professional environment

The business scenario is undergoing rapid transformations and, if you don’t adapt, you risk being left behind. Meeting the ever-changing demands of the organization over the long term is crucial to achieving success. A fundamental step in this direction is to establish a learning culture in the workplace.When incorporated as a central element of business,

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Ways to improve working conditions

It is crucial that the manager is aware of how to optimize the work environment. This is due to the fact that a pleasant environment, conducive to well-being, promotes greater productivity, enthusiasm and creativity, essential factors for the success of a business.To achieve this, it is necessary to know the most effective strategies. The manager

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Signs that your team is unmotivated

Employee well-being, also known as the organizational climate, reaches its peak when workers maintain a positive outlook towards the work environment.Positivity among employees results in greater productivity, stronger relationships with colleagues and managers, greater talent retention, improved professional performance and, of course, even moments of relaxation.When faced with challenges within the team, managers must be

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In-person work with flexibility

The return to in-person work is on the rise globally, even among companies considered innovative, such as technology. The reasons are diverse and legitimate, including increasing productivity, improving interaction between colleagues and strengthening corporate culture.Although I defend the viability of the hybrid model for organizations and employees, reality shows that many companies opt for a

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