Coexisting in a safe way with the integration of AI and human work for a productive future

Few topics are more prominent throughout this year than the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on our lives. This issue has been the subject of analysis and debate from various angles, from ethical questions to concerns related to the labor market, passing through cognitive and educational aspects. Likewise, the specialists involved in the development of […]

Coexisting in a safe way with the integration of AI and human work for a productive future Read More »

Mejores resultados para mejorar su productividad

Una mejor gestión de la producción ofrece diversas ventajas, tanto para individuos como para organizaciones. Entre los beneficios están la eficiencia mejorada, el cumplimiento de los beneficios, la reducción del estrés, la mayor satisfacción de los funcionarios, el crecimiento de los negocios, la competitividad, la optimización de los recursos, la innovación, el equilibrio entre el

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Better your results by managing your productivity

A better productivity management offers various benefits, both for individuals and organizations. Among the benefits are improved efficiency, completion of deadlines, reduced stress, greater satisfaction of employees, growth of businesses, competitiveness, optimization of resources, innovation, balance between work and personal life, and increased confidence and self-esteem. Effective productivity management results in better quality of work,

Better your results by managing your productivity Read More »

Find out what the main distractions are for a corporate team

Tracking productivity allows managers to evaluate team performance, identifying strengths and areas that need improvement. This is essential for making informed decisions about promotions, recognition and constructive feedback, it helps identify issues and obstacles that may be affecting team performance. This allows management to take steps to resolve these issues and improve efficiency.Monitoring productivity is

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Learn how to practice meritocracy

To create, attract and retain talent, organizations follow some pillars: Having a performance evaluation system that includes regular evaluations, constructive feedback and development goals. This can help identify areas of strength and weakness in each team member. Provide training and development opportunities to help team members improve their skills and knowledge. This may include courses,

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Step-by-step guide to creating KPIs for your company

KPIs (Key Performance Indicators), in Portuguese Key Performance Indicators, are metrics or indicators used by companies and organizations to evaluate progress towards strategic goals and objectives. These metrics are essential for measuring a company’s performance and success in various areas such as finance, marketing, sales, customer service, operations, human resources, and more.KPIs are chosen based

Step-by-step guide to creating KPIs for your company Read More »

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