How to deploy Home Office

More than 78% of employees want to continue working from home, a reality that is here to stay. Currently, around 70% of companies have already implemented the home office during the Pandemic, the model has already proven to be viable and with numerous benefits for companies and employees, requiring adjustments and adaptations to make the […]

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5 steps to efficient management

Having an efficient management depends on how we use the available resources in the best possible way. 4(four) Pillars of efficient management. Cost reduction Time management loss control Waste reduction . Efficiency is the product of rationality and productivity , directly linked to the efficient way in which something is done or carried out, always worrying about cost issues and

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8 Steps to Having a Successful Team

Get the most out of the platform and your management team, through training focused on performance (KPIs) and people, using real cases. Step 1: Creative Independence Successful teams have creative independence, and an immense sense of responsibility, focus their management on supporting their team in achieving the goals and objectives set, giving total creative freedom to propose

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